full-duplex 802.11?

Jamie Lovick jalovick at doof.org
Mon Jul 15 19:09:27 EST 2002

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Bruce Janson wrote:
> Now that sub-frequency selectable wireless devices are common, has
> anyone tried to set up full-duplex point-to-point links?  I would
> imagine that this could be done using two wireless cards at each end
> (i.e. four cards in total).  At each end, both cards would be
> attached to the same antenna (via some sort of "splitter/combiner"
> Y-shaped junction).  Each card would be tuned to a separate
> sub-frequency (and of course, that sub-frequency would match that of
> the corresponding card at the remote end).  Then traffic in one
> direction would be sent through one network interface
> (sub-frequency) and that in the other direction confined to the
> other channel.
> Some minor software cleverness would be required to keep the traffic
> flows separate but I am interested to hear if anyone has tried this
> with current 802.11 wireless cards and if so, what effects it had.  
> (We can all _guess_ what the results might be, but I am looking for
> the results of actual experiments.)

There is always the option of going for the new D-Link "+" range of
cards that use the TI chipset and operate at up to 22Mbit's.

I have no idea of the status of a Linux driver for them though.



Jamie Lovick    <->  IT Consultant    <-> +614 1479 1681
Hobby     : Doof.org                   -> jalovick at doof.org
Director  : Drastic Solutions Pty Ltd  -> jalovick at drasticsolutions.com.au
----- Public Relations Officer - the Australian Wireless Association -----

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