full-duplex 802.11?

Bruce Janson bruce at it.usyd.edu.au
Mon Jul 15 17:43:33 EST 2002

Now that sub-frequency selectable wireless devices are common, has anyone
tried to set up full-duplex point-to-point links?  I would imagine that
this could be done using two wireless cards at each end (i.e. four cards
in total).  At each end, both cards would be attached to the same antenna
(via some sort of "splitter/combiner" Y-shaped junction).  Each card would
be tuned to a separate sub-frequency (and of course, that sub-frequency would
match that of the corresponding card at the remote end).  Then traffic in
one direction would be sent through one network interface (sub-frequency)
and that in the other direction confined to the other channel.

Some minor software cleverness would be required to keep the traffic
flows separate but I am interested to hear if anyone has tried this with
current 802.11 wireless cards and if so, what effects it had.  (We can all
_guess_ what the results might be, but I am looking for the results of
actual experiments.)


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