libsmbclient interface

nshmyrev nshmyrev at
Mon Oct 20 13:58:14 GMT 2003

Hello, I have three questions about libsmbclient.

First, in implementing gnome-vfs samba module there is prolem to determine, is the path like 
smb://server/ server or workgroup of doesn't exists.

Now this is implemented by opening parent directory and find file needed to stat. Can this be implemented in libsmbclient internally? For example, the workgroup cannot be stated with smbc_stat, why not?

The second question is about passwords, there is authentification callback, why it is called all
the time autentification needed? Why libsmbclient can't check default password first, and only ask, if password really needed?

Third is about cancellation. Is there any way to cancel samba connection from library? May be, additional file descriptor can be added to select call to poll for cancelation?

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