[Samba] PVE HA for DCs

Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Wed Jun 5 06:00:30 UTC 2024

Hello Luis,

I think youre going at this problem the wrong way.

Samba DC is built with multiple servers in mind. There is no need for 
external HA if you have enough DCs already.

e. g. you have 3 nodes in your cluster: put a DC on each node and 
disable Proxmox HA alltogether. If one (or even two) nodes go down, your 
domain is still active because of the last DC.

Its best to use different storages as well, so that a storage failure 
does not bring down your whole domain and locks you out of admin 
interfaces etc...

As soon as your nodes recover, reboot the DCs on them and they'll sync 

If you have to decommision a node, then you can just move the DC from 
the old node to the new one and boot them there.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Matthias.

Am 04.06.24 um 21:53 schrieb Luis Peromarta via samba:
> Not that there’s a software problem but maybe like a power failure. Say a non-gracefully shut down server.
> Replication wise, is it ok to just reboot it ?
> LP
> On 4 Jun 2024 at 20:11 +0100, samba at lists.samba.org <samba at lists.samba.org>, wrote:
>> Well, a Samba DC shouldn't crash, but if it does, you need to find out
>> why it crashed, there really isn't much point in restarting a DC if it
>> is just going to crash again.
>> If the 'crash' was caused by an easily fixed error and can be fixed
>> quickly, you should be able to restart it and it should replicate from
>> any other DCs. You can, theoretically, restart a DC quite some time
>> after it is stopped, but it may just be easier to replace it.
>> So, to put it into a nutshell, if a DC is stopped for a few hours, then
>> it should be safe to restart it, but if comes to days or weeks, then I
>> would replace it, better safe than sorry :-)

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