[Samba] PVE HA for DCs

Luis Peromarta lperoma at icloud.com
Wed Jun 5 06:12:44 UTC 2024

Thanks so much Matthias.

This exactly how I am doing it, knowing the “built in” redundancy in Samba is there by adding DCs. I have 4.

I was just wondering if it was a good idea to activate HA on these DCs - like I have in other VMs and CTs- , witch I agree is not needed.

What I am using is CEPH storage, and I think you are right and these DCs can and should be run on local storage.

There is enough redundancy built into the system.

Thank you all.

On 5 Jun 2024 at 07:01 +0100, Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft via samba <samba at lists.samba.org>, wrote:
> Hello Luis,
> I think youre going at this problem the wrong way.
> Samba DC is built with multiple servers in mind. There is no need for
> external HA if you have enough DCs already.
> e. g. you have 3 nodes in your cluster: put a DC on each node and
> disable Proxmox HA alltogether. If one (or even two) nodes go down, your
> domain is still active because of the last DC.
> Its best to use different storages as well, so that a storage failure
> does not bring down your whole domain and locks you out of admin
> interfaces etc...
> As soon as your nodes recover, reboot the DCs on them and they'll sync
> again.
> If you have to decommision a node, then you can just move the DC from
> the old node to the new one and boot them there.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards, Matthias.
> Am 04.06.24 um 21:53 schrieb Luis Peromarta via samba:
> > Not that there’s a software problem but maybe like a power failure. Say a non-gracefully shut down server.
> >
> > Replication wise, is it ok to just reboot it ?
> >
> > LP
> > On 4 Jun 2024 at 20:11 +0100, samba at lists.samba.org <samba at lists.samba.org>, wrote:
> > > Well, a Samba DC shouldn't crash, but if it does, you need to find out
> > > why it crashed, there really isn't much point in restarting a DC if it
> > > is just going to crash again.
> > >
> > > If the 'crash' was caused by an easily fixed error and can be fixed
> > > quickly, you should be able to restart it and it should replicate from
> > > any other DCs. You can, theoretically, restart a DC quite some time
> > > after it is stopped, but it may just be easier to replace it.
> > >
> > > So, to put it into a nutshell, if a DC is stopped for a few hours, then
> > > it should be safe to restart it, but if comes to days or weeks, then I
> > > would replace it, better safe than sorry :-)
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