[Samba] Users unable to reset passwords

Mark Foley mfoley at novatec-inc.com
Fri Jul 26 14:58:30 UTC 2024

On Fri Jul 26 02:21:41 2024 Christian Naumer via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> Am 25.07.24 um 22:15 schrieb Mark Foley via samba:
> > As it stands, users can change their passwords at any time, so long as it's not
> > expired or their account is not marked "User must change password at next
> > login". If a user let's his/her password expire, I have to change it manually
> > via ADUC or samba-tool.
> > 
> > Other thoughts? I suppose this could be a Windows things, but then I would
> > expect this problem to be pretty pervasive.
> I think this has been the case for some time. We also had some issues 
> with this 1-2 years ago. On this list the topic pops up from time to 
> time but it is never solved. I really think it is a Samba bug but nobody 
> has been able to proof this.
> In the end we decided to go for longer passwords more complex and stop 
> the expiry.
> Regards
> Christian

Well, if it's a Samba bug I would think it's a pretty important one to get
fixed! However, it must not be happening for all Samba AD / Windows users or
everyone would be complaining. I can't believe this is happening to *all* Windows
domain members of Samba AD domains. Can anyone else weigh in on whether or not this
is happening with your Windows domain members with Maximum password age set?

This PW stuff worked fine with our previous Samba 4.8.2 and Windows 10. I might try
hooking up a Windows 10 computer and seeing if it's a Windows thing or a Samba

Our office policy will not permit setting no exipry on user accounts. The rule
is 90 days, so we can't use the solution you've done.

Thanks --Mark

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