[Samba] Users unable to reset passwords

Christian Naumer christian.naumer at greyfish.net
Fri Jul 26 06:06:36 UTC 2024

Am 25.07.24 um 22:15 schrieb Mark Foley via samba:
> As it stands, users can change their passwords at any time, so long as it's not
> expired or their account is not marked "User must change password at next
> login". If a user let's his/her password expire, I have to change it manually
> via ADUC or samba-tool.
> Other thoughts? I suppose this could be a Windows things, but then I would
> expect this problem to be pretty pervasive.

I think this has been the case for some time. We also had some issues 
with this 1-2 years ago. On this list the topic pops up from time to 
time but it is never solved. I really think it is a Samba bug but nobody 
has been able to proof this.
In the end we decided to go for longer passwords more complex and stop 
the expiry.



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