[Samba] smbcacls and inheritance does not work as expected

Jochen Korge || PCSM GmbH Jochen.Korge at pcsm.de
Wed Aug 30 09:30:12 UTC 2023

I can not get the inheritance the way I want.
My goal is, (1) to create a new Set of ACLs at directory "HERE" and (2) "set" the Windows checkbox "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object"

My command looks like:

smbcacls //mynas/share1 some/path/HERE -SACL:rw_group:ALLOWED/CI|OI/CHANGE,ACL:ro_group:ALLOWED/CI|OI/READ --propagate-inheritance -I allow #omitted credentialstuff

part (1) does work - all inherited permissions from "share1", "some" and "path" are dropped on directory "HERE" and replaced by the two groups.
part (2) does partly work, it keeps old permissions and adds the inheritable permissions from "HERE".

How do I drop any "not inherited" permissions on those child objects?

Client and Server run Version 4.17.10-Debian

Thanks for your help.

Cheers Jochen

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards,
Jochen Korge
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