[Samba] PSA: Dont upgrade to elasticsearch 8.9.0

Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Wed Aug 16 12:58:32 UTC 2023

Hello samba-people,

TL;DR: upgrading to elasticsearch 8.9.0 breaks the spotlight search on 
samba 4.18.4. I dont know if other samba versions are affected, but I'd 
wager that they are.

This error is logged:

[2023/08/15 15:54:25,  0]
        mds_es_search_http_read_done: json_loadb failed

Ive already asked Ralph Böhme from Sernet for help. He'll look into it 
when he has the time.

For the time being: You have to downgrade to 8.8.2, delete the index 
directory and reindex everything.

Have a nice day, Matthias.

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