[Samba] Need SMB server / client tuning help

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Apr 7 10:00:23 UTC 2023

On 07/04/2023 09:48, Swapneel More wrote:
> Thank you very much for your response Rowland. I really appreciate it.
> Please find the required details below.
> Windows SMB client has below OS specifications:
> OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
> OS Version:                10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393
> OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
> SMB server:
> It is a Hitachi NAS(HNAS) device box.
> We don't know much about its SMB configuration as it has a minimal UNIX 
> based OS version and standard RHEL commands do not work on it. So, we 
> are not able to run 'testparam -s'
> Thanks & regards,
> Swapnil M.

Sorry, but without further information, I do not see how anyone can help 
you. Your NAS may be running Samba, but if such a standard command as 
'testparm' isn't available, then this seems unlikely, or it is a much 
mangled version of Samba. If it is running a standard Samba version, 
somewhere there will be a smb.conf file.

I take it that you have tried Hitachi support ?

You may be able to run a trace on the network traffic between the two 
machines, perhaps this could provide more information.


PS please do not 'CC' me, or reply to 'all', just reply to the list.

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