[Samba] Need SMB server / client tuning help

Swapneel More swapmore15 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 08:48:47 UTC 2023

Thank you very much for your response Rowland. I really appreciate it.

Please find the required details below.
Windows SMB client has below OS specifications:
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
OS Version:                10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393
OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation

SMB server:
It is a Hitachi NAS(HNAS) device box.
We don't know much about its SMB configuration as it has a minimal UNIX
based OS version and standard RHEL commands do not work on it. So, we are
not able to run 'testparam -s'

Thanks & regards,
Swapnil M.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 12:38 PM Rowland Penny via samba <
samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> On 06/04/2023 22:37, Swapneel More via samba wrote:
> > Greetings!!
> >
> > I am seeking your help to resolve a problem I am facing with the network
> > throughput of an SMB share.
> >
> > We have two SMB shares: one containing files which are bigger in size and
> > the other containing a large number of small files. Both share sizes are
> in
> > terabytes.
> >
> > While mapping the SMB share with large files on a Windows host and
> copying
> > files and directories, we observe a good network throughput of more than
> > 300MB/s. However, when we map the other SMB share with a large number of
> > small files and attempt to copy files and directories, we experience a
> > significantly reduced network throughput of around 10MB/s.
> >
> > Both SMB server and client are using SMB3 protocol.
> >
> > The "EnableMultichannel" parameter has been configured to 'True' on the
> > Windows SMB client, but it is unclear how many channels will be created
> or
> > if multiple channels have been established between the SMB client and
> > server. A Wireshark dump on the SMB client side shows only eight
> > connections with single client and single server IP addresses. Although
> the
> > SMB client has only two NIC cards, the dump indicates only one IP address
> > for the client in the source address of the TCP connection. There is
> little
> > knowledge on optimizing multichannel and how many NICs are required on
> both
> > the SMB client and server to achieve optimal network throughput.
> > Additionally, the number of SMB/TCP connections needed between the SMB
> > client and server to transfer terabytes of data at a high throughput rate
> > remains unknown.
> >
> > We have configured the following parameters on our Windows SMB client
> host.
> >
> > PS C:\Users > Get-SmbClientConfiguration
> >
> > ConnectionCountPerRssNetworkInterface : 8
> > DirectoryCacheEntriesMax                         : 4096
> > DirectoryCacheEntrySizeMax                     : 65536
> > DirectoryCacheLifetime                               : 60
> > DormantFileLimit                      : 1023
> > EnableBandwidthThrottling             : False
> > EnableByteRangeLockingOnReadOnlyFiles : True
> > EnableInsecureGuestLogons             : True
> > EnableLargeMtu                        : True
> > EnableLoadBalanceScaleOut              : True
> > EnableMultiChannel                    : True
> > EnableSecuritySignature               : True
> > ExtendedSessionTimeout                : 1000
> > FileInfoCacheEntriesMax               : 32768
> > FileInfoCacheLifetime                 : 60
> > FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax           : 32768
> > FileNotFoundCacheLifetime             : 60
> > KeepConn                              : 600
> > MaxCmds                               : 32768
> > MaximumConnectionCountPerServer       : 64
> > OpLocksDisabled                       : False
> > RequireSecuritySignature              : False
> > SessionTimeout                        : 60
> > UseOpportunisticLocking               : True
> > WindowSizeThreshold                   : 1
> >
> > PS C:\Users >
> >
> > Any advice on the optimal SMB tuning parameters and their respective
> values
> > for both the SMB client and server sides would be highly appreciated.
> This
> > is necessary to address the issue at hand and to achieve optimal network
> > throughput on an SMB share that contains a large number of small files.
> > Please provide recommendations on any other settings that may be relevant
> > in this context.
> >
> > Your assistance in this matter would be highly valued.
> >
> > Thanks & regards,
> > Swapnil M.
> Whilst you have told us how you have setup your Windows machine, you
> have told us very little about the SMB client, just that it uses SMBv3.
> For all we know, they could be both Windows machines, though this is
> doubtful, or you wouldn't be asking here.
> Can you please tell us what OS you are running on the client.
> What version of Windows the server is running
> Please provide the output of 'testparm -s' run on the client.
> Rowland
> --
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