[Samba] smbclient help

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Jan 13 11:27:52 UTC 2021

On 13/01/2021 07:51, jmpatagonia via samba wrote:
> Hello Rowland thanks for the answers.
> It is a very more complex implementation, we have a samba DC 4 AD, and
> logon users on domain (kerberos ticket to).
> We try to use pam_mount.conf.xml but it is a problem, this file is not
> dynamic, if a share change/delete/or add new shares pam_mount does not
> contemplate this.
> Our users do not have access to this file to edit, and also they do not
> know how to edit this file, and also do not shell commands.
> So we need to update this file on the client on every logon on the domain
> to be updated, with a copy from the file server.
> Another solution that was implemented, on logon time, a script that uses
> ldapsearch+memberOf property, find the users groups and finally mount
> shares with gvfs-mount, but the same problem is not dynamic, need to be
> updated.
> So we need help to update a file (pam_mount.xml or a shell script) on the
> client from the file server, on logon time but accessing the file server
> without interacting with users.We think may be is a solution in a command
> line way, or smbclient command.

So, what you are looking for, is a current list of shares on a given 
Samba fileserver. Try this:

smbclient -L <fileserver_short_hostname> -N -g | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' 
| grep -v 'IPC\$'

That will get you a list of shares on a Samba fileserver without a password


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