[Samba] Newly applied GPO not immediately active

Peter Milesson miles at atmos.eu
Mon Apr 8 06:35:10 UTC 2019

Hi folks,

I have been playing around with implementing and applying GPOs on a 
Samba AD DC, using the RSAT tools. It seems that any changes take their 
time (at least 5 minutes, maybe more), and are not immediately active. I 
experienced problems when logging in on the affected computers (Windows 
10), that the GPOs seemed to be incompletely applied. After a while, it 
worked though. It's not a critical problem, and you could live with it. 
However, it is necessary to take this into account.

If somebody has got any information, I would be grateful.

Best regards,


CentOS 7.6 (1810), Samba 4.9.1

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