[Samba] linux server a memeber of AD (with use of realm) - and samba?

lejeczek peljasz at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 19 16:37:48 UTC 2016

On 19/05/16 16:49, Rowland penny wrote:
> On 19/05/16 15:50, lejeczek wrote:
>> fellow users
>> I'd like to ask is it possible, and if yes what's the 
>> correct way to configure, to have local samba (where box 
>> has joined AD with realm) use that memebership in a way 
>> to have users from AD user catalog.
>> I guess what I'm thinking is - how do I get those AD 
>> users that linux now being a member sees, to samba and 
>> without windbinding & whole full AD config? Kind of a: 
>> AD<=linux.SSSD=>linux.samba <= AD users access samba
>> go easy on me, I've never done samba+AD
>> many thanks,
>> L.
> If you want to use Linux + Samba + sssd with an AD domain, 
> you are asking in the wrong place, try the sssd users 
> mailing list.
> If however you want to use Samba with an AD domain, see here:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setup_Samba_as_an_AD_Domain_Member 
> Rowland
thanks Rowland
I'll do, check with sssd poeple,
last one - is it possible to join AD samba's way while one 
has only admin/management control over an OU in AD domain 
and has NO Domain Admin access?
I see realm does it but I wonder if Samba too can do it.


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