[Samba] linux server a memeber of AD (with use of realm) - and samba?

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu May 19 15:49:59 UTC 2016

On 19/05/16 15:50, lejeczek wrote:
> fellow users
> I'd like to ask is it possible, and if yes what's the correct way to 
> configure, to have local samba (where box has joined AD with realm) 
> use that memebership in a way to have users from AD user catalog.
> I guess what I'm thinking is - how do I get those AD users that linux 
> now being a member sees, to samba and without windbinding & whole full 
> AD config? Kind of a: AD<=linux.SSSD=>linux.samba <= AD users access 
> samba
> go easy on me, I've never done samba+AD
> many thanks,
> L.

If you want to use Linux + Samba + sssd with an AD domain, you are 
asking in the wrong place, try the sssd users mailing list.

If however you want to use Samba with an AD domain, see here:



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