[Samba] Re: What version of Samba will work with an AIX version of Unix?

franz.pfoertsch at brose.net franz.pfoertsch at brose.net
Wed May 2 08:21:57 GMT 2007

Mark Blake-Smith wrote:

> Hi all
> We are currently looking to implement a scenario where our AIX Unix
> Server and Windows Server can communicate with each other using a
> version of Samba.
> We currently scan images which are stored on our Unix system and ideally
> we would like our Windows Server to have access to these files. The
> software we use for our daily business is Unix based so the the scanned
> images have to be primarily stored on the AIX Unix server. I understand
> that you need a specific version of Samba to run on an AIX based version
> of Unix and was wondering if someone feeling helpful could point me in
> the right direction.
> Any information would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind Regards
> Mark
Hi Mark,

to implement the samba Server you have to be more specific.

Which Version of AIX are you using?
How many people have to access to the Samba Server?

Are Unix-groups are available?
Do we need AD-Integration?

I am using a precompiled package from

My integration into the Windowsenvironment is done by securtiy = DOMAIN


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