[Samba] Re: Re: Samba instead of SBS2k+3

Gémes Géza geza at kzsdabas.sulinet.hu
Mon Aug 21 19:19:49 GMT 2006

Przemyslaw Smiejek írta:
> W odpowiedzi na pismo z niedziela, 20 sierpnia 2006 23:56 
> (autor Doug VanLeuven 
> publikowane na gmane.network.samba.general, 
> wasz znak: <44E8DA95.4040106 at sonic.net>):
>> If your
>> security is more static with one security model per machine, the older
>> policy editors work quite well along with ghosting a prototype machine.
> But polices are set to users on AD, on local machines there are no users
> except administrator.
>> There are a lot of advantages to ghosting out an entire classroom at one
>> time.  Of course, you can't teach "Working with AD".
> I don't need it. I don't teach  "Working with AD". I'm linux user and I
> teach mostly Linux. Windows I need only for other teachers and for our
> library, where pupils have free access to computers.
> Now I have two servers: SBS2k and SBS2k+3 and I want to have only one
> server, but it's impossible to do it whithout buing licences from MS 
> :( That's why I'm looking for other solution like samba. 
We were lucky having samba domain from the beginning, when our school
had only a few windows workstations. From samba 3.0.0 we were able to
apply policies via \\PDC\Netlogon\NTConfig.POL based on our users group
membership (e.g. students, teachers, technical stuff, administrators).
The machine settings at our site are quite the same. For emulating the
GPO offered machine startup scripts installed XYNTService which runs a
C:\run.bat as Local System Account. It connects to a network share and
runs a script from then.


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