[Samba] Creating a PDC
Pete Savage
node50 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 28 14:04:20 GMT 2005
Have you created an account for the computer and the user on the samba
machine ?
"My brain is sometimes not attached to my mouth, please take this under
RSS feeds galore soon !
At progbox.co.uk
Need a website : http://trinsite.co.uk
>From: Jason Greene <jgreene at angeluspress.org>
>Reply-To: jgreene at angeluspress.org
>To: samba at lists.samba.org
>Subject: [Samba] Creating a PDC
>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 08:58:51 -0500
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>I am working my way through "Samba-3 by Example". I have created all the
>simple samba servers with ease as I have done them in the past with trial
>and error... this book makes it easy now.
>I'm stuck.
>While on page 118 it says to not go further without validating.
>Well, The server is there and when browsing the network I can see the Samba
>server. When I try to connect it wants to authenticate.
>I put in MY user ID and Password and it just asks for it again. If I put in
>a bad username it will fail and tell me the username and password conflict
>with and existing set of credentials. I don't have any mapped drives to
>this server.
>Can some one assist me?
>I have followed the book on everything except the name and location of the
>In Christ,
>Jason Greene
>Angelus Press
>IT Manager
>2915 Forest Avenue
>Kansas City, MO 64109-1516
>1.800.966.7337 x306
>1.816.753.3557 (fax)
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