[Samba] disable use cacahe memory to login

Carmen Wai carmen_wai at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 5 07:37:49 GMT 2005

I have set up a PDC using Samba 3.0.11 with openldap
2.2.23. The domain name is WKG.

Then I have a client NT workstation (username: USERA)
login to WKG domain, the login is successful. 

If the NT workstation is disconnected from the domain,
USERA can still login to the workstation, but there is
a message prompt saying that it uses the account
information on cacahe memory to login. 
But if USERB (who hasn't login to that workstation
before) login to that workstation (which is
disconnected from the domain), he is failed to login
and there is error prompt that the WKG domain can't be

I want to disable to use the account information on
the cache memory to login. Is that any way to do that?

Thanks a lot!

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