[Samba] How to stop samba from showing in share title
Evan Rempel
erempel at uvic.ca
Mon Nov 8 16:34:26 GMT 2004
Thanks. That is exactly what it was. MS Products sure cost me a lot of
time :-(
On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Doug VanLeuven wrote:
> Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 14:54:34 -0800
> From: Doug VanLeuven <roamdad at sonic.net>
> To: Evan Rempel <erempel at uvic.ca>
> Cc: samba at lists.samba.org
> Subject: Re: [Samba] How to stop samba from showing in share title
> Look at
> HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComputerDescriptions
> This is your culprit.
> It remembers the server string from the very first connection and reuses it.
> If you didn't change it, after the next upgrade, it would list the wrong
> version.
> Try it on a client that never connected to samba before. It should use the
> new Server String.
> Regards, Doug
> Evan Rempel wrote:
>> That may be the case, however, my "server String" in the smb.conf if set
>> to "testing" but when I map a drive, the label
>> "Samba 3.0.7 (case.comp.uvic.ca) H:" shows up in the "My Computer" view in
>> Windows XP.
>> Either WinXP can somehow tell that this is a Samba server, but since the
>> version number in in the label I think that it must be Samba that is
>> somehow announcing itself.
>> I could rename the mount, but I have 4500 users and I do not want to
>> announce to them that this is a Samba server, especially the version
>> number. I just want my "Server String" to be known to the users.
>> Thanks for the responses so far.
>> Evan.
>> On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Doug VanLeuven wrote:
>>> Evan Rempel wrote:
>>>> This will certainly make the "server string" show up in the network
>>>> browser, but when you map a drive letter, and then open "My Computer" the
>>>> mapped drive letter will still show 'Samba 3.0.7 (hostname)' H:
>>>> Evan.
>>>> On Fri, 5 Nov 2004, John H Terpstra wrote:
>>>>> On Friday 05 November 2004 16:51, Evan Rempel wrote:
>>>>>> When I map a drive to samba unsing Windows XP, the "my computer"
>>>>>> windows
>>>>>> displays
>>>>>> username on 'Samba 3.0.7 (hostname)' H:
>>>>>> How do I prevent/change the "Samba 3.0.7" portion of this name.
>>>>>> I certainly do not want to advertise the version that I am using.
>>>>> In your smb.conf [global] add:
>>>>> server string = Grany's Apple Pie
>>> Sounds like you're using win2003 server or XP.
>>> MS adds the label from server string the first time it's mapped and
>>> remembers it.
>>> Right-click, rename the mapped drive
>>> Regards, Doug
>>> --
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>> Evan Rempel <erempel at UVic.CA>
>> Senior Programmer Analyst
>> University of Victoria
> --
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Evan Rempel erempel at uvic.ca
Senior Programmer Analyst 250.721.7691
Computing Services
University of Victoria
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