[Samba] Joining NT4 workstations to a Samba 3 Domain
Chris Hobbs
chobbs at silvervalley.k12.ca.us
Wed Jun 23 15:55:49 GMT 2004
I've not received any replies to this -- does anyone else have NT4
clients working correctly with Samba-3 and LDAP?
Should I submit this to bugzilla? I'd hate to do that until I've
exhausted my options on the mailing list.
Chris Hobbs wrote:
> Linux: Fedora Core 2
> Samba: 3.0.3
> OpenLDAP: 2.1.29
> I've noticed a couple of other messages in this month's archives that
> suggest they're having the same problem as I, but so far no resolution
> has been reported.
> I've got a new Samba domain up and running with LDAP that allows me to
> join Win2K and XP clients, but not NT4 workstations. I've added the
> machine account with the command: smbldap-useradd -w MISTEST02
> An ldapsearch confirms that the machine account has been created. On
> attmpting to join the domai nfrom the NT4 client I receive the
> following error message:
> "The machine account for this computer either does not exist or is
> inaccessible."
> Amazingly, the machine account has now disappeared from the LDAP
> directory, as confirmed by running ldapsearch.
> Trying to add the machine without first running smbldap-useradd (which
> works fine for the 2K and XP clients) gives me the same error.
> I'll be happy to provide confs, debug logs and tcpdumps if those will
> be helpful - simply let me know what needs to be captured. Thanks in
> advance for your help.
Chris Hobbs Silver Valley Unified School District
Head geek: Technology Services Coordinator
webmaster: http://www.silvervalley.k12.ca.us/~chobbs/
postmaster: chobbs at silvervalley.k12.ca.us
pgp: http://www.silvervalley.k12.ca.us/~chobbs/key.asc
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