[Samba] a better smbstatus for monitoring samba ?
Becskei Robert
brobiwbe at stcable.co.yu
Tue Jun 15 19:56:04 GMT 2004
does anyone know if there is a tool in existence that can monitor samba shares like smbstatus
but is much more advanced (and runs in console) , I mean a tool that has menues, some search
options, and things sorted out nice. A Samba realtime monitor would be the best thing with lots
of details and lots of options.
I tried Swat, but that aint really a solution to watch who is connected to where, neither is smbstatus
since when to many people are connected you can't see in realtime who is using what. And that I think
is one major problem.
I would like to have such a tool because I'm throwing the Novell File Server out and using a Whitebox 3.0EL
instead. I wonder,...is there such a tool like Novell Monitor ... for linux ? I mean if there aint one for samba
maybe another tool that is more advanced would be able to view who is connected to what ? what is their IP
adress, what time did they logged on, what is the current system status, etc...
Please help me if possible.
Robert Becskei
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