[Samba] Novell vs Linux.

Bruno Gimenes Pereti pereti at ump.edu.br
Tue Sep 17 15:40:01 GMT 2002

> Samba is capable to authenicate against a ldap v3 server. For this ldap
> version exist inside the samba source a "samba.schema" file.
> Last Saturday, Volker Lendecke (vl at samba.org)  was ask this question,
> and he said: If there is no Problem with the ldap implementation of the
> nds, there is no reason for samba not to authenticate against nds via
> ldap, using the samba.schema.

This the attribute and object definition from samba.schema from
samba2.2.6pre CVS couple of weeks ago:
attributetype ( NAME 'lmPassword'
                          DESC 'LanManager Passwd'
                          EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
objectclass ( NAME 'sambaAccount' SUP top AUXILIARY
                       DESC 'Samba Auxilary Account'
                       MUST ( uid $ rid )
                       MAY ( cn $ lmPassword $ ntPassword $ pwdLastSet $
logonTime $
                                     logoffTime $ kickoffTime $ pwdCanChange
$ pwdMustChange $ acctFlags $
                                     displayName $ smbHome $ homeDrive $
scriptPath $ profilePath $
                                     description $ userWorkstations $
primaryGroupID $ domain ))

And this is an exemple of the attribute and object definition from
rfc2307-usergroup.sch from NDS eDirectory for Linux instalation:
RFC2307UserGroupSchemaExtensions DEFINITIONS ::=
-- An integer uniquely identifying a user in an administrative domain
"uidNumber" ATTRIBUTE ::=
         Operation  ADD,
         SyntaxID                SYN_INTEGER,
         Flags                   { DS_SINGLE_VALUED_ATTR },
         ASN1ObjID { 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 0 }
"posixAccount" OBJECT-CLASS ::=
         Operation                        ADD,
         Flags                               {DS_AUXILIARY_CLASS},
         SubClassOf		{"TOP"},
         MustContain		{	"CN" },
         MustContain		{	"uniqueID" },
         MustContain		{	"uidNumber" },
         MustContain		{	"gidNumber" },
         MustContain		{	"homeDirectory"	},
         MayContain		{	"loginShell" },
         MayContain		{	"gecos" },
         MayContain		{	"description"	},
         ASN1ObjID { 1 3 6 1 1 1 2 0 }

What does that mean?
I can connect, search LDAP from NDS with the tools provided by redhat 7.1

Sorry if I´m being boring but I really need Samba to work with NDS

Bruno Pereti.

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