[Samba] Samba/smbpasswd/LDAP question
Andrew Bartlett
abartlet at samba.org
Thu Sep 12 22:18:01 GMT 2002
"Derek J. Balling" wrote:
> I have my smb.conf configured - I believe - properly to talk to my LDAP
> server:
> ldap admin dn = "cn=admin,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=com"
> ldap server = ldap.MYDOMAIN.com
> ldap port = 389
> ldap ssl = off
> But if I try to set a password using smbpasswd, it seems to think it
> wants to connect to localhost (and fails):
Which version of Samba? You see, this changed a fair bit in 3.0, and
the paramaters are different.
Have you run testparm?
> # smbpasswd -D 99 -a dballing
> New SMB password:
> Retype new SMB password:
> Trying to load: ldapsam
> Attempting to find an passdb backend to match ldapsam (ldapsam)
> Found pdb backend ldapsam (at pos 4)
> pdb backend ldapsam has a valid init
> Trying to load: tdbsam
> Attempting to find an passdb backend to match tdbsam (tdbsam)
> Found pdb backend tdbsam (at pos 2)
> pdb backend tdbsam has a valid init
> Trying to load: unixsam
> Attempting to find an passdb backend to match unixsam (unixsam)
> Found pdb backend unixsam (at pos 6)
> pdb backend unixsam has a valid init
> ldapsam_open_connection: ldap://localhost
> ldap_open_connection: connection opened
> ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
> "cn=admin,dc=byramhealthcare,dc=com"
> Bind failed: Can't contact LDAP server
> Anyone know anything about this, and what I need to do to make this
> work properly?
The new syntax is (and we may well add some backward-compatibilty stuff
before 3.0):
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://ldap.MYDOMAIN.com[:port]
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett abartlet at pcug.org.au
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team abartlet at samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College abartlet at hawkerc.net
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net
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