[Samba] Samba/smbpasswd/LDAP question
Derek J. Balling
dredd at megacity.org
Fri Sep 13 00:16:00 GMT 2002
On Thursday, September 12, 2002, at 06:17 PM, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> Which version of Samba? You see, this changed a fair bit in 3.0, and
> the paramaters are different.
Current from debian woody (2.99+3.0CVS 20020829 I think was, something
like that, fairly bleeding edge)
> Have you run testparm?
Have now. all appears well.
> The new syntax is (and we may well add some backward-compatibilty stuff
> before 3.0):
> passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://ldap.MYDOMAIN.com[:port]
OK, now I have:
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://ldap.MYDOMAIN.com
ldap admin dn = "cn=admin,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=com"
ldap ssl = off
ldap user suffix = "ou=People,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=com"
and I get the following. I added the user suffix bit because it looked
like it was just trying to create a dn of "uid=dballing", which
obviously wouldn't work well, but it looks like it's not finding the
existing entry (that it should modify, adding the sambaAccount
objectclass, etc.).
I suspect it's a 'ldap filter' thang , but various things I tried
failed worse. ;-)
# smbpasswd -D 9 -a dballing
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Trying to load: ldapsam:ldap://ldap.MYDOMAIN.com
Attempting to find an passdb backend to match
ldapsam:ldap://ldap.byramhealthcare.com (ldapsam)
Found pdb backend ldapsam (at pos 4)
pdb backend ldapsam:ldap://ldap.MYDOMAIN.com has a valid init
ldap_open_connection: connection opened
ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
ldapsam_search_one_user: searching
ldapsam_search_one_user: Problem during the LDAP search: No such object
ldapsam_search_one_user: Query was: ,
Home server: TESTBOX
Home server: TESTBOX
ldap_open_connection: connection opened
ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
ldapsam_search_one_user: searching
ldapsam_search_one_user: Problem during the LDAP search: No such object
ldapsam_search_one_user: Query was: ,
ldapsam_search_one_user: searching for:[uid=dballing]
ldapsam_search_one_user: Problem during the LDAP search: No such object
ldapsam_search_one_user: Query was: , uid=dballing
Adding new user
Setting entry for user: dballing
failed to modify/add user with uid = dballing (dn =
uid=dballing,ou=People,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=com) with: Already exists
Failed to add entry for user dballing.
Failed to modify password entry for user dballing
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