[Samba] Samba, Windows 2000 Native Domain, and Active Directory
Kevin Larkin
klarkin at sancastle.com
Tue Mar 26 10:11:09 GMT 2002
I'm trying to introduce a couple Linux boxes into our win2k native domain.
I've looked around for some information on this specific issue, but its far
and few between. Most consist of NT 4 domains and PDC's. What I would
ultimately like to do is add my Linux servers to Active directory, have AD
share its users with Linux and therefore establish shares, printers, ect and
have it published in AD. I believe Linux/samba will have to be a DC, but
how is this done? Can it be done? I have little to no experience with the
old NT 4 PDC model, so much of the existing docs are Greek to me. Could
someone please offer some guidance/how-to's/books/ect? I'm excited about
making this work. Thank you.
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