[Samba] occassionally : no domain controller available

pilsl at goldfisch.at pilsl at goldfisch.at
Thu Mar 14 02:07:05 GMT 2002

I'm using samba 2.2.3a as fileserver and domaincontroller for 12
NT4-clients (sp6a) and occassionally - when a user tries to logon -
there comes the following messages on the nt-client:
No Windows NT Domain Controller is available for domain XXXX. There are
currently no logonservers available to service the logonrequest.
server-side profile not available. The OS tries to log you on with
your local profile.

There is no visible pattern when this error occures. Sometime no
machine has this error at all in the morning, sometimes 3 or 4 and
sometimes only 1 machine. The error is also not related to the
peaktime in the morning.

I run several very similar samba-installations and I never ran into
such a problem. After the user is logged on (with its local profile)
he can access the server as fileserver without any problems.

I currently work with debug-level 3 and cant find the problem. (There
are some errors in the log of course, but the very same errors occures
on different machines with no such problems this day).  The client
just seems not to access the roaming profile. There is no access to
NTUSER.DAT for example, so the problem seems to happen before.  I
compared logfiles which a successful logon and a "failed" logon and
just cant figure out the problem ..

there are almost certainly no networktroubles and I reapplied sp6a to
all clients and I also removed and readded affected clients from and
to the domain again without any help ...

I put the logfiles of one client where this problems happend today at
9:30 together with the serverlog and my smb.conf in a tgz-file at

The problem happened at 9:30 when user "elisabeth" tried to logon and
client and server are in sync for their systemtime.

maybe anyone can help me here. feel kinda doomed ...


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