[Samba] Quotas and Win98 clients
Christian Barth
barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Wed Feb 27 01:41:44 GMT 2002
> Dear all,
> I've successfully setup a Samba 2.2.3a file server with quota support
> on a RedHat Linux 7.1 with Kernel 2.4.18-ac2.
> Win NT clients (NT, 2K, XP) works fine, and samba report the quota
> per user as disk capacity.
> But Win98/ME clients don't. Samba report the filesystem capacity,
> and even worse, users can bypass their quotas !
> I solved the problem using a dfree script written in perl, but I'd like
> to know if there is another solution.
> I think this problem occured because smbd process is owned by root when
> I connect from Win98, and by the user when I connect from Win2k.
> Does anybody have any suggestion ?
What does smbstatus say about the connections from the win98 clients?
Which username? The owner of the proccess is not that relevat,
because smbd's swap the effecive uid. If smbstatus shows root as
username that's the source of your problem and a huge security
problem! Who is the unix-owner of files created by win98 clients?
The source of the problem may be that you have "map to guest = bad
user" and "guest account = root". Check you smb.conf, use testparam.
> Thanks a lot.
> Christophe Boulain
> System Manager
> CERAM Sophia Antipolis
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