[Samba] SUQ: Share permissions

Konkol, Josh JKonkol at guidemail.com
Thu Aug 1 13:13:02 GMT 2002

If you don't want anyone to write to it then set root as the owner and chmod
it 644 or something similar.  
Let me know if you need anything else,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sorisio,Chris [mailto:ChrisSorisio at PeakTechnical.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 3:05 PM
To: 'samba at lists.samba.org'
Subject: [Samba] SUQ: Share permissions

After parsing through the various bits of available documentation, I'm
forced to bow before the group and ask the following Silly User Question:

While I can create and set NT ACLs on files/folder, anything in the root of
the share can be deleted by any user who has access to that share.  I've
munged something in my file permissions.  What /should/ the file permissions
for a root share directoy be set to, and who should own it - root, a created
'samba' user..?


        path = /mnt/share/backup 
        valid users = @"DEAD\Puppies" 
        read only = No 

What UNIX account should own /mnt/share/backup, and what should the UNIX
file permissions be set to? 



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