Access to other network

Fernando Schutz fernando at
Thu Oct 11 06:48:05 GMT 2001

Hi palls.

I'm using another one internet link.
It's a ADSL link.
My central lan is based on the ip's 192.168.1.x and my new net, ADSL, is based in the ip's 192.168.31.x
All the internet is accessible, and the computers that are at 192.168.1.x too.

But my LINUXPDC isn't accessible via the new net (192.168.1.x)

How can I do?

       ___________________ ®         Obrigado!
      /                  /\     --------------------- 
     /  //~~~  //~~~    / /\      ·Fernando Schütz
    /  //~~   //___    / /\     ---------------------  
   /  //         //   / /\      Analista de Sistemas
  /  ··      ~~~~~   / /\       ---------------------
 /__________________/ /\        Work: +55(45)226.0026
 \__________________\/\               +55(45)222.4411
  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\           ICQ: 7371212

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