Out of connections, samba 2.2.x

Jonas Nilsson jonas.nilsson at su.eip.ericsson.se
Wed Dec 19 05:53:02 GMT 2001

vda wrote:

> On Wednesday 19 December 2001 10:05, Jonas Nilsson wrote:
> > vda wrote:
> > >   Did you just copied entire filesystem to new box or no?
> >
> > Well I moved it one home (user) at the time
> > /usr/local/bin/tar cf - . | ( cd $LOKE/$MOVEUSER/ ; /usr/local/bin/tar xfBp
> > - )
> >
> > I also copied the smb.conf file, with some changes ( netbios name and some
> > shares), to the new box. Is that the answer you where looking for?
> Apparently your new box has different software and hardware.
> First you should determine whether software or hardware is at fault.
> Why not copying entire filesystem from old box to new and try to run it?
> It will have old software and new hardware and ought be not worse than old
> box, no?

> > > > We had all our user homes on a Sun Ultra 2 (solaris 2.6, 30Gb store)
> > > > and samba 2.0.6, and all was fine.
> > > > But we ran out of disk and moved all homes to a Sun e420 (solaris 8,
> > > > 100Gb store) and samba 2.2.0. Then the troubles began, at least ones a
> You can't be sure *what* to blame: newer samba, newer solaris, bad conf files
> etc etc etc. You have to eliminate those possibilities one by one.
> --
> vda

I cant move the file system because it doesn't exist on the old box anymore.
Both the new an d the old is still up though but the new box shares the homes (
with samba for pc and nfs for unix) and the old box shares some document
directories  ( with samba for pc and nfs for unix). Its on the new box the
trouble is  and I hoped that I would find the solution in samba 2.2.x. The
reason I believe that it is the samba configuration fails is that the nfs shares
"never" fails. It's not my intention to blame anyone, I just want help to get my
environment stable again. You can see my smb.conf file below, if you see any
obvious reason for my problem please tell me....


# Global parameters
        workgroup = foo
        netbios name = LOKE1
        server string = Samba server
        interfaces = qfe0
        security = SERVER
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        password server = ese2su01
        log level = 2
        max log size = 500000
        deadtime = 15
        os level = 0
        preferred master = False
        local master = No
        domain master = False
        wins server =
        read only = No

        path = /home/loke
        read only = No

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