Out of connections, samba 2.2.x

vda vda at port.imtp.ilyichevsk.odessa.ua
Wed Dec 19 06:10:03 GMT 2001

On Wednesday 19 December 2001 11:50, Jonas Nilsson wrote:
> I cant move the file system because it doesn't exist on the old box
> anymore.

Ah. That's bad, lost debugging opportunity.

> Both the new an d the old is still up though but the new box
> shares the homes ( with samba for pc and nfs for unix) and the old box
> shares some document directories  ( with samba for pc and nfs for unix).
> Its on the new box the trouble is  and I hoped that I would find the
> solution in samba 2.2.x. The reason I believe that it is the samba
> configuration fails is that the nfs shares "never" fails.

> It's not my
> intention to blame anyone, I just want help to get my environment stable
> again.

Yes, I understand.

> You can see my smb.conf file below, if you see any obvious reason
> for my problem please tell me....

Sorry, nothing strikes me in the eye there.

Does restarting samba help?
Could you try to run samba from inetd?
That will make restart trivial: "killall smbd nmbd",
and they respawn by themself.

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