Out of connections, samba 2.2.x
vda at port.imtp.ilyichevsk.odessa.ua
Wed Dec 19 04:35:49 GMT 2001
On Wednesday 19 December 2001 10:05, Jonas Nilsson wrote:
> vda wrote:
> > Did you just copied entire filesystem to new box or no?
> Well I moved it one home (user) at the time
> /usr/local/bin/tar cf - . | ( cd $LOKE/$MOVEUSER/ ; /usr/local/bin/tar xfBp
> - )
> I also copied the smb.conf file, with some changes ( netbios name and some
> shares), to the new box. Is that the answer you where looking for?
Apparently your new box has different software and hardware.
First you should determine whether software or hardware is at fault.
Why not copying entire filesystem from old box to new and try to run it?
It will have old software and new hardware and ought be not worse than old
box, no?
> > > We had all our user homes on a Sun Ultra 2 (solaris 2.6, 30Gb store)
> > > and samba 2.0.6, and all was fine.
> > > But we ran out of disk and moved all homes to a Sun e420 (solaris 8,
> > > 100Gb store) and samba 2.2.0. Then the troubles began, at least ones a
You can't be sure *what* to blame: newer samba, newer solaris, bad conf files
etc etc etc. You have to eliminate those possibilities one by one.
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