"could not connect to host - localhost"

Adams, Christopher Chris.Adams at starbase.com
Mon Dec 3 10:56:10 GMT 2001


Let me add this:

You might want to use  "Komba2" instead of Lisa.  

It's simpler and very nice alternative.
Also, LM8.1 Konqueror does not seem to work too well with LISa
Just start it up and it will scan the network for windows shares Right 
clicking on a share will mount it (You will have to set the user name and  
password first of the remote windows machine)
After mounting a share in komba2 you can view the shares in Konqueror. A 
folder called komba will appear in your home directory with the remote 
windows shares within it.

Christopher Adams
Los Angeles, Ca.
Starbase Corp.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Woodall [mailto:nor at htmlcompendium.org]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:20 AM
To: Adams, Christopher; samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: "could not connect to host - localhost"

Hi Christopher:

         Thanks for the reply.

At 09:58 AM 12/3/01 -0800, you wrote:

>You should take a look at your Samba log files.  They will usually tell 
>you what went wrong behind the scenes.   Question:  What procedure were 
>you attempting to perform when you got the error "could not connect to 
>host - localhost"?

         The log files show nothing. There is no entry in the log for this 

         I was attempting to browse the network from the Linux machine. 
(open file manager [Konqueror with the explorer screen], clicked on "+ 
Network" then clicked on "+ Local Network." The icon turns to the spinning 
gear and immediately the error message comes up (600 MHz system). After 
that, nothing.

>Right off it sounds like Samba isn't recognizing your local 
>system.  Usually an error like that would contain the localhost's hostname 
>instead of just localhost, but I could be wrong.

         Yup, sounds about right on both counts. However, smbd and nmbd are 
both running and neither are showing any errors. Nothing noted in the logs.

         Thanks for the help. I look forward to your reply.

         Ron Woodall

Ron Woodall
nor at htmlcompendium.org

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