HP-UX Multiple Connections

Jason L Steiner jsteiner at paychex.com
Fri Feb 12 15:06:24 GMT 1999

I have completed installing Samba on a HP-UX 10.20 system. All
of the shares that I specified in smb.conf seem to be working
and I can see all of the files in each of the disk shares I set up.

However, I can connect to one and only one share at a time from my NT
machine (NT 4.0 - SP3). I set up Samba to always prompt for a password
when the shares are being accessed. As I connect to one
of the three shares I have, I am prompted for a password and it connects
me successfully. If I try to "Map Network Drive" again
to connect to another share on the same server, the error message I get
is something to the effect: "The specified login session does not exist
anymore." (Sorry, I don't have it on my screen anymore and the server
is now shutdown).

Can anyone give me a hand with this one?

Jason Steiner
Software Configuration Manager
Paychex Incorporated

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