Connecting from Windoz 98

Michel Marcon cmic at
Thu Feb 4 08:41:41 GMT 1999


Plateform: many Samba servers 1.9.16p11 under Solaris 2.x.
Up to now I had no problem to connect from w95 to \\sambaServer\myname
with the right password (controlled by the Solaris passwd file)

With The new WNT4 I was aware of the "EnablePlainTextePassword" key to
place in the registry. Works OK.

But now, I can't connect from Windows 98 to my share: the message is
"Incorrect password. Try again"

Is there a new way of crypting password under W98 or what ??
Maybe I should try to upgrade my Samba server ??

Need Help !
Thank you.

Michel Marcon Sysadmin UNIX & WNT
mmarcon at
Ministere de l'Equipement
CETU (Centre d'Etudes des Tunnels)
Web site
Tel +33 (0)4 7214-3408
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