Question: HP LaserJet III

Phillip Mather fatz at
Mon Aug 16 19:11:38 GMT 1999

Here is my bit "o" problem:

We have an HP Laser Jet III with the postscript add on.  We have been
using the printer under samba for while, but every print job, there is a
page that says %[LAST PAGE]% + other garbage.  Does anybody know of any
hacks or fix's to get the printer / samba to get this system to not
print that last page.


Clients = Win9X - Print via the HP LJ III PS Cart.
Server = Linux Mandrake 6.0
         AMD K6/450 - 128 Meg O Ram
         10+ Gig HD

Thanks in advance.
Phillip Mather
mailto:fatz at

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