August 1999 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Aug 1 00:29:16 GMT 1999
Ending: Tue Aug 31 21:15:56 GMT 1999
Messages: 375
- HPUX shared memory creates error (PR#19573)
Windsor Dave (UO-An/ETR)
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
Levent Gündogdu
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
Levent Gündogdu
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
Levent Gündogdu
- Problems with Samba 2.04b on Suse 6.1
Roman Blöth
- share named cd$
Tulipánt Gergely
- smbmount and passwords
Tulipánt Gergely
- use smbmount command in my Linux (Red Hat 5.2)
- No subject
Luciano Demétrio de Araújo
- Problems connecting SMB shares
Strömberg Peter
- Samba 2.0.5a and Excel
Dominik Weis
- 1 hour delay between Samba and date
Jose M. Beas
- Problem with Password sync
Techn. Account
- problem in util_sock for 2.0.5a
- Can UNIX logins be authenticated on the NT domain using Samba?
Adams, Mike
- dos floppy client for samba wanted
Lindsay Allen
- dos floppy client for samba wanted
Lindsay Allen
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
Paul Allen
- NT service problem (PR#19365)
Jeremy Allison
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
Jeremy Allison
- samba with DAVE (PR#19412)
Jeremy Allison
- samba-2.0.4b/NT4.0(SP3): share name (PR#19444)
Jeremy Allison
- Bad NT performance on large Samba directories (PR#19452)
Jeremy Allison
- Win9x & Samba 2.0.5a (PR#19465)
Jeremy Allison
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a (PR#19508)
Jeremy Allison
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a (PR#19508)
Jeremy Allison
- HPUX shared memory creates error (PR#19573)
Jeremy Allison
- Problem with samba under RH6.0 dropping data
Paul Anderson
- Writing to Samba Shares...
Andrews, Bryan
- SAMBA digest 2193
Larry Ansley
- File copy problems under Samba - 2.0.5 / Solaris 7
Larry Ansley
- NN and things...
Ansley, Michael
- Encryption for Windows 2000 beta
Armstrong, Scott
- Samba & Network Neighborhood
Stephen L Arnold
- Carriage Returns in files after copying
Stephen L Arnold
- What to do in Windows 95 after configuring Samba
Stephen L Arnold
- No locking avaliable - Compiling prblem
Branko Avramovski
- Re: Samba 2.0.5a: couldn´t set effective gid error
Branko Avramovski
- 2.0.5a configure bug fcntl test on automounted source dir
Branko Avramovski
- Password Changing
Mark Bannar-Martin
- Samba Installation
Jean-Marc Beaudoin
- Seem installation OK...but...
Jean-Marc Beaudoin
- How to allow write access
Jean-Marc Beaudoin
- performance problems
Florian v. Behr
- Jet Direct Printers and Plotters
Florian v. Behr
- printing
Florian v. Behr
- jetdirect printer configuration
Florian v. Behr
- Couldn't set effective gid to 65534 currently set to (real=0,eff=0)
Edward Betts
- NetBios to IP address name resolving problem in samba on linux
Bhaskar, Srinivasan (CTS)
- Solaris 7 and Samba startup
M. Tyson Bigler
- samba & win nt
Bindingnavile, Vinuthananda (CTS)
- Samba installation
Lab Blaise
- Bad password error - samba 2.0.5a, Solaris 2.7
Toby Blake
- Bad password error - samba 2.0.5a, Solaris 2.7
Toby Blake
- Lockingproblems with Solaris 2.6 and NFS
Julien Boppert
- ftp/telnet/http not working
Andrew R. Brink
- severs don 't show in Network Neighbourhood
Buero Mayer, Teja Grothues
- DOS Attrib mapping
Franck Buland
- No update.
Ron Burd
- AutoCAD R14 and Eagle Point
Hank Burton
- Your message Re: Samba and printer comments (July 5 1999)
Ian Cameron
Fernando Lanner Cardoso
- HP-UX dont have printcap !
Fernando Lanner Cardoso
- Logon Scripts
Fernando Lanner Cardoso
- win95 file sharing list of users
John Cardoso
- case sensitivity in windows explorer
Olivier Carrel
- some questions...
Gerald Carter
- Login script for Win95 machines
Gerald Carter
- Is there a complete list of options?
Gerald Carter
- couldn't find service
Gerald Carter
- Invalid network name in tree connect...
Gerald Carter
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a (PR#19508)
Juan Carlos Castro y Castro
- Encryption for Windows 2000 beta
Matt Chapman
- Encryption for Windows 2000 beta
Matt Chapman
- problems with wins support
Matt Chapman
- Automatic printer driver installation for NT4.0/NT2000 clients?
Stacey Chris-cstacey1
- Windows 2000 and Samba 2.0.5a
Robert Claeson
- Cannot Lock /etc/smbpasswd
Mike Clubine
- What to do in Windows 95 after configuring Samba
Serge Colle
- Dos Client
Serge Colle
- samba documentation
Larry Collier
- IPC$ - password
Larry Collier
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a
David Collier-Brown
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a (PR#19508)
David Collier-Brown
- Samba High Availability
David Collier-Brown
- Locking problems with Solaris 2.6 and NFS
David Collier-Brown
- SAMBA digest 2186
Bruce Cook
- Installation error
Ian Crundwell
- Problem on RH 5.2 LX164 Alpha
Jorge R. Csapo
- Blank page after each job
Jorge R. Csapo
- 2.0.5a and Excel
- Samba & Network Neighborhood
Robert Dahlem
- [Fwd: Re: dos floppy client for samba wanted]
Robert Dahlem
- querying an NT domain for a list of logged-in users
Robert Dahlem
- [NEWBIE] Adding a new user
David.Collins at
- Operation not permitted error
Stephen Davies
- Help with error messages please
Stephen Davies
- 2.0.5a binaries for SCO OS5
Stephen Davies
- Samba + nt4.0SP5 + quickbooks problem (file locking maybe)
Tom Diehl
- No subject
- help with samba
Luca Domenella
- AW: SAMBA digest 2186 / SCO 5.04
Donald H. Bennett, Jr.
- Solaris 7 and Samba startup
Chris Douty
- Samba 2.0.5a and Win NT Terminal Server SP4 / Metaframe 1.8
- Samba / NT / Win98 and Browsing
Jon Earle
- Samba / NT / Win98 and Browsing
Jon Earle
- Apologies for the Dupe post
Jon Earle
- Servertools
- SAMBA digest 2196
Aaron F Evans
- Ihre Mail an / Your message to
Global Message Exchange
- NT groups
Jeremy D. Fillingim
Derek Fisher
- No subject
John Fleming
- nisplus and user authentication
John Fleming
- Easy Solaris2.5.1/Samba2.0.3 ???
Franden, Craig
- Samba and AIX 4.2.1 password problems
Mark Freeh
- Visual C++ fails to recognize changed file
Steve Gaarder
- computer not showing up in Network Neighborhood
Ken Gerdes
- Samba & Network Neighborhood
Ken Gerdes
- NT4SP5 Encryption and mksmbpasswd
Adam Getchell
- Setting up Samba
Adam Getchell
- Client on dos
Adam Getchell
- Solved! - Problem with system policies
Glen Gibb
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
Andrew L Gibson
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
Andrew L Gibson
- Help needed using Samba over SSH (DOS works, Win9x doesn't)
Rob Ginn
- Help needed using Samba over SSH (DOS works, Win9x doesn't)
Rob Ginn
- Info: Samba over SSH
Rob Ginn
- Printing problems
Brian Ginter
- FW: HELP: having problem with timestamps of files with linux sam
ba client and winnt shared drive
Gonda, Rumi
- Password Problems
Galen Goodreau
- Viewing shares on win2k with smbclient
Thomas van Gulick
- No subject
- Login script for Win95 machines
Lars Hamann
- How to run a login script with Samba 1.9.18p
Rainer Hantsch
- Multiple recipients of list SAMBA
Neta Hedberg
- Jet Direct Printers and Plotters
Michael Heironimus
- Linux, Nt, Smbmount, Dosemu, blocking, etc...
Miguel Heredia
- multiple networks
Cindy Hodgins
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
Bob Hoekstra
- NULL filled corrupt files
Peter J. Holzer
- Samba High Availability
Peter J. Holzer
- SAMBA digest 2197
Andrew Howell
- File timestamp different between SAMBA server and SAMBA client!
Hoang Manh Hung
- error: "A remote procedure call (RPC) protocol error occurred."
Ari Inki
- New user
- extending 12 character limit in share names
JFreeman at
- Making samba work like NT 4 SP 5 WRT share names
JFreeman at
- Extra "printers" share
David Jackson
- how to change samba (smbpasswd) via web browser...
Rakesh Jain
- Change passwd via web
Rakesh Jain
- Blank page after each job from W95
Michael James
- security = user
Prasad Jampala
- Server tools for Win9x to view file permissions
Paul Jansen
- NT server tools for 95
Paul Jansen
- Problems with Samba 2.04b on Suse 6.1
Tomek Jarosinski
- 4 Octet Scope ID Fails
Jeff Jensen
- Samba Unaccessible in Win2k, Error: The filename, directory name
or volume label syntax is incorrect
Lars Jeppesen
- IPC$ - password
Patrick Joeckel
- Most effective amount of memory
- Performance
- Cannot Lock /etc/smbpasswd
- Solaris 7 and Samba startup
Richard L Johnson
- Solaris 2.6 Samba 2.0.4b Server <-> Win 3.11 Client struggle
Troy Johnson
- URGENT: UID Sync problem and smbpasswd problem
William Jojo
- [Fwd: URGENT: UID Sync problem and smbpasswd problem]
William Jojo
- NIS+ and smbpasswd
Kerry Jones
- smbd has memory leak
John J. LeMay Jr.
- No subject
Wes Kaufmann
- Samba and Windows 98
Werner Kilb
- some questions...
Kkinva68 at
- update
Kkinva68 at
- newbie needs help
Erik Klepper
- Posting to browselists in other subnets?
Scott Knight
- Browse list problems across subnets
Scott R. Knight
- Browse list problems across subnets
Scott R. Knight
- Cross-Router Browsing of Win95/98 Networks
Scott R. Knight
- AW: printing service
Rudolf Kollien
- AW: Posting to browselists in other subnets?
Rudolf Kollien
- FW: HELP: having problem with timestamps of files with linux sam ba client and winnt shared drive
Jan Kratochvil
- FW: HELP: having problem with timestamps of files with linux sam ba client and winnt shared drive
Jan Kratochvil
- Totalnet
Ron Kreymborg
- DOS Attrib mapping
Jens Kuehnel
- How do I resolve a "lp_servicenumber" error
Rajesh Kumar
- Client on dos
Paul Lacatus
- Tracking Time
Jason Lam
- querying an NT domain for a list of logged-in users
Stephen Langasek
- querying an NT domain for a list of logged-in users
Stephen Langasek
- Change passwd via web
Stephen Langasek
- jetdirect printer configuration
Benno Lange
- RH6 Printtool and SMB
John LeMay
- SWAT and "security=server"
John LeMay
- Samba High Availability
John LeMay
- [Fwd: Re: dos floppy client for samba wanted]
John LeMay
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
John LeMay
- question
John LeMay
- Administrivia #28812 - NTBugtraq is hiring! (fwd)
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Vulnerabilities needed in Windows NT!
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- computer not showing up in Network Neighborhood
Volker Lendecke
- I am in class
Ike Leong
- Writing to Samba Shares
Mark Leupen
- Login script for Win95 machines
Mark Leupen
- Printing problem
Mark Leupen
- Blank page after each job from W95
Mark Leupen
- HPUX shared memory creates error
Phillip Link
- NULL filled corrupt files
Gregor Longariva
- Q: Ideal print setup on Solaris (2.6)
Paul L. Lussier
- Samba 2.0.5a & Solaris 2.6 Assistance (PR#19370)
Paul L. Lussier
- HP-UX dont have printcap !
Paul L. Lussier
- Change passwd via web
Paul L. Lussier
- Shares within Shares (Digest 2186)
Lack Mr G M
- Client on dos
- Help! Problem with Samba 2.0.5a + WinNT4.0 SP5 (process 7281 no longer exists)
Leonid Malashev
- seeing the samba server in Network Neighborhood
Andy Malato
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
JF Martinez
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
JF Martinez
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
JF Martinez
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
JF Martinez
- Question: HP LaserJet III
Phillip Mather
- Encryption for Windows 2000 beta
Gwen McAlister
- Authentication Question
Ian A McDonald
- Win9x & Samba 2.0.5a
Brian Foster McLean
- Login script for Win95 machines
Johan Meiring
- Blank page after each job from W95
Steve Meisner
- Running multiple smbd/nmbd on one machine.
Steve Mertz
- some shares in browselist not showing up in spite of browseable = yes
- Question: HP LaserJet III
Jonathan Miller
- Samba on NT
- SAMBA with a Windows NT Domain Based network
Christopher Molnar
- smbclient to list PC NT shares
Derek Moran
- Windows 98 and Linux
- how to change samba (smbpasswd) via web browser...
Steffen Moser
- Binaruies for HP <-> workgroup
J. Mostert
- Is there a complete list of options?
James A. Mutter
- Important
Shankar N
- I can´t see shares........
Sergio Ujevic N.
- I can´t see shares........(2)
Sergio Ujevic N.
- SWAT cant start or restart smbd
Allan Nelson
- Carriage Returns in files after copying
Dr Hugh Nelson
- network boot disks
Dr Hugh Nelson
- AW: SAMBA digest 2186 / SCO 5.04
Axel Neumann
- Jet Direct Printers and Plotters
Ole Holm Nielsen
- Windows 2000 and encrypted passwords
James Nord
- Printing with samba + lpr
Thomas Novin
- jetdirect printer configuration
Dan O'Connor
- 1 hour delay between Samba and date
Dan O'Connor
- some shares in browselist not showing up in spite of browseable = yes
Dan O'Connor
- AutoCAD R14 and Eagle Point
Dan O'Connor
- Fw: couldn't open status file /var/lock/samba/status.lck
Mark O'Malley
- Problems with samba
Alexandre Odoni
- Problems with SAMBA
Alexandre Odoni
Alexandre Odoni
- Windows printing problem
Giulio Orsero
- Windows shares when security=user
Giulio Orsero
- PDC/BDC && "domain logons = yes"
Mike Oswell
- smbd has memory leak
Jitendra Patel
- Accessing Samba shares via PPP links
Ivan N Paz
- Samba 2.0.5aq and HP-UX
Peter.Lingen at
- Problems with ACL-Support
Bj=F6rn?= Petersen
- Samba Installation
Bernd Petrovitsch
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a
Todd Pfaff
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a
Todd Pfaff
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a (PR#19508)
Todd Pfaff
- Netatalk Support?
Florian G. Pflug
- smbclient does not show.....
Massimo Pinto
- Samba 2.0.5a and Suse 6.0/6.1 Browsing problems
Dieter Prochowski
- suse 6.1 & browsing problem
Dieter Prochowski
- No subject
Martijn Pronk
- How to prevent clients to map the root directory
Leonard Zhang System Administrator ISD RVIB
- Solaris 7 5/99 and samba-2.0.5a
Bob Rahe
- Ralf Espenschied/TLC/DE ist außer Haus.
Ralf.Espenschied at
- file copy and access problem
Kirk Reiser
- Unix password sync: Any hints?
Andrew Rittner
- Samba High Availability
Michael Robinson
- Windows NT 4.0 PDC X FreeBSD with Samba PDC
Stella Rodrigues
- MS-Client
Stefaan De Roeck
- ms-client for dos with workgroup add-on
Stefaan De Roeck
- Windows 2000 and encrypted passwords
Dan Roscigno
- Windows printing problem
Kari Ruohonen
- Windows shares when security=user
Kari Ruohonen
- NT Domain problems
Brian Ryner
- Unable to connect to winnt
- Cross-Router Browsing of Win95/98 Networks
Bruce Sackett
- Jetdirect Configuration
Sanders, Peter
- Win98: net use works, Map Network Drive doesn't; no browsing, either
D. Sanderson
- problems with wins support
Carsten Sann
- Posting to browselists in other subnets?
Joseph Santaniello
- FAQ? Speed issue
Edward Schernau
- No subject
Brandon Schnell
- Samba 2.0.5a: couldn´t set effective gid error
Carsten Schoening
- Jet Direct Printers and Plotters
Carsten Schoening
- network printing improvement
Carsten Schoening
- novell 4.0 and samba
Sharon I. Schultz
- 2.0.5a configure bug fcntl test on automounted source dir
Tom Schutter
- How do you run smbpasswd?
Charles B. Schweizer
- Samba High Availability
Selick, Matthew
- The Shares name
Mark&Terra Shares
- SAMBA digest 2213
Mohammed Fadel Shatnawi
- host type?
- HP2500 Printer under SAMBA
Carey Sinclair
- PRINTER$ driver installation problem
Carey Sinclair
- Your message Re: Samba and printer comments (July 5 1999)
Carey Sinclair
- Can't locate point and print (printer) driver files
Carey Sinclair
- dptr_create: returned 9: Error - all new dirptrs in use ?
Franz Sirl
- dptr_create: returned 9: Error - all new dirptrs in use ?
Franz Sirl
- Compile Problem with 2.05a under Linux
Michael Sloan
- samba with kerberos
Brian Smith
- Multiple TCP/IP printers and smb
David Sonenberg
- fake oplock idea
Manfred Spraul
- Q: Ideal print setup on Solaris (2.6)
Frans Stekelenburg
- ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (Solaris 2.6)
Frans Stekelenburg
- Q&A: Samba, Solaris & LPRng?
Frans Stekelenburg
- Samba 2.0.0 on Solaria 5.6 on sun4u sparc Ultra-1
Stella Stepanian
- File Permission Confusion
Bill Stephens
- Samba on the solaris platform.
Brian Stephens
- No subject
- Upcoming Presentation
Benjamin Suto
- Samba High Availability
Benjamin Suto
- NT printing with 2.1
Mikael Svennungsson
- SMB client for Netware server
Majid Tajamolian
- Automatic printer driver installation for NT4.0/NT2000 clients?
- Broken pipe
Jean-Marc VINET
- smbsh always segfaults
Matthew Vanecek
- Accessing across different subnets?
Foung Vang
- patch suggested for Solaris 7 cures samba2.0.5a/Sol2.6 hiccup
Vaughan, Michael ST
- Samba Installation Help.
Venkatesh, Muthukrishnan M2 (CONTRACTOR)
- Samba and NT4 SP3: no write access
Andreas Vester
- Saving Problems under NT4 SP3 in Linux LAN
Andreas Vester
- Client on DOS
Tim Villa
- what is IPC$
Cris Wade
- nmbd and DHCP
Cris Wade
- Need diagnosis help
Mathew D. Watson
- Visual C++ fails to recognize changed file
Burkhard Weeber
- Jet Direct Printers and Plotters
Markus Welters
- mount shares
Westermann, Torsten; (839); IUK
- SAMBA digest 2197
Randy Wilkinson
- jetdirect printer configuration
Brett Worth
- printing problems
Andy Worthington
- write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Broken pipe
Yang, Adam
- What to do in Windows 95 after configuring Samba
Jeffrey Yep
- update
Alex Yu
- printing service
Alex Yu
- how to change samba (smbpasswd) via web browser...
Alex Yu
- NT4SP5 Encryption and mksmbpasswd
Alex Yu
- Totalnet
Alex Yu
- samba-2.0.4b/NT4.0(SP3): share name
Huafeng Zhou
- Password encryption [Was: Help]
Ian Zimmerman
- SAMBA digest 2205
Johann Zuschlag
- error on osf/1 when compiling
- question
- can't become user
chris burgess
- Printing problems
- Jet Direct Printers and Plotters
- Logging in from Windows 98 -Fixed!
- How to get Win 3.x, NT, W95 and W98 to all talk to Samba server
- SAMBA digest 2208
- Problems browsing from W98 on campus network with samba domain master
larry l
- How do I install Samba at SCO UNIX 5.0.4eb with binaries ?
magzine_csm at
- Limiting browing when Samba on a gateway
- Samba & Win2000
- Accessing Samba shares via PPP links
- Transferring medium-size NT fileserver to Samba; HOWTO...?
mrhinelander at
- upgrading samba 2.0.3-8 to 2.0.5
mike murray
- Norbert Rieger/EDP/Conrad Electronic GmbH/DE ist außer Haus.
norbert.rieger at
- No subject
phibo at
- NULL filled corrupt files
ai Aichmair Christian schneck
- smbpassword modification & logon scripts
scode at
- Invalid network name in tree connect...
- SAMBA digest 2218
- oplock level II and fake oplock
tbsky_lee at
- NT User Account Locked Out By Samba
todd.rosenthal at
- sdouche Mailbox full
webmaster at
- Running configure on 2.0.5
weiss_john at
- HELP: samba print setup
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 21:15:56 GMT 1999
Archived on: Mon Dec 1 11:22:10 GMT 2003
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).