some questions...

Kkinva68 at Kkinva68 at
Wed Aug 11 03:17:58 GMT 1999

 i bought the sams teach yourself Samba in 24 hours, but i still have some 

I have few machines on network, Linux machine as server
and Win98 Client machines...

TCP/IP working fine...

At first workgroup name = mygroup
all 3 machines show up in network neighborhood,
but i cannot connect to samba machine...

it asks for password, but password for what user?
I don't get it... it doesn't ask for user

Anyway, i don't want my workgroup to be called mygroup,
but instead OLDBS

change win98 networking properties, change smb.conf to
workgroup = OLDBS

then i cannot see Linux machine...

change all back to MyGroup and still cannot see Linux machine.
even re-started Linux machine.

Also, how do you re-start samba without re-booting?  Just kill HUP inetd?

Any ideas, help please?



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