Samba 2.0.3 handling of files with no ".extension"

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at
Tue Nov 27 06:02:39 GMT 2001

[CC: to the Samba-vms mailing list.]
Roy Omond wrote:

> Paul Repacholi wrote:
>>Roy Omond <Roy.Omond at BlueBubble.UK.Com> writes:
>>>Weird thing is, in a DOS window I can successfully create a file
>>>with no extension (COPY X.X ABCD) and the file appears correctly on
>>>the VMS side, but the new file is invisible on the Weendoze side.
>>Can you see a 'ABCD.'? Remember, VMS has a 2 part file name, with
>>the '.' as a seperator that is always there.
> In short, no.  The file (viewed from VMS) called ABCD. is not visible
> on the Weendoze side at all.  The COPY X.X ABCD mentioned above
> produces the ABCD. file on VMS, which is subsequently invisible as
> described.
> The file ABCD. (on the Weendoze side) is named ABCD__2E. on the VMS
> side (using the filename munging algorithm of Samba).

Ah, somehow SAMBA 2.0.3 on OpenVMS is thinking that Samba client wanted 
the file to be named "ABCD..".  Note the two trailing dots.  That is 
quite a different case than ignoring files with a trailing "."

> Previous versions of Samba had no problems with this.  I'll be looking at
> this problem again on Wednesday when I'm next on customer site.

I do not believe that SAMBA 2.0.6 for OpenVMS has this aberation.

As a test:

   $rename ABCD__2E. abcd.__2E

And see if SAMBA 2.0.3 for OpenVMS can handle this.  It was a change put 
into SAMBA in an attempt to track what Pathworks Server was doing, and 
it looks like it has a few cases where it does not work in SAMBA 2.0.3.

Is this only a problem with existing files, or are new files affected?

The name translating part of SAMBA on OpenVMS has continued to be a 
source of pain.  To do it right incurs a high CPU or disk access latency.

The structure for SAMBA 2.2.x may allow for some improvements there, but 
it added quite a few more architectural hurtles to overcome.

wb8tyw at
Personal Opinion Only

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