Patch for bug 166 - setting ACLs on a share from XP

Jim McDonough jmcd at
Tue Jul 1 17:27:42 GMT 2003

This patch should re-enable setting ACLs on a share (note, this is
_different_ from setting ACLs on the root directory in a share) from XP.
The problem was that XP was issuing a setshareinfo 1005 (which is about DFS
and the CSC policy), even if the user didn't change the csc policy.  We
returned ACCESS_DENIED, and the client stopped.  I tried INVALID_PARM and
UNKNOWN_LEVEL, but both still caused the client to stop.

We now check to see that the csc policy coming across is the same as
already exists in smb.conf.  If they try to change it, we will return
ACCESS_DENIED.  If it matches what we already have, we return OK.  We will
also fill in the CSC info on a query 1005, which we weren't doing before.

(See attached file: xpacl.patch)

John, please test this out...and anyone else may, also :-)

Jim McDonough
IBM Linux Technology Center
Samba Team
6 Minuteman Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074

jmcd at
jmcd at

Phone: (207) 885-5565
IBM tie-line: 776-9984
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