question about documentation

Fredrik Viklund fredrikv at
Mon Oct 9 06:13:42 GMT 2000

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote
>Can I bring up the issue of writing docs in
>YODL format again?  Will I be punished openly
>for doing so?  :-)

I tried to restructure the docs about a year ago, before I lost my home 
computer and also before "Using Samba" was available. We then wanted to 
harmonize the manpages and text files and to add a "Users guide"

As I see it, "Using Samba" has become the users guide, so what basically 
remains is to harmonize and maintain the manpages.

For this task, a format that is potent of generating text, html and man 
pages would be enough.
Why not POD? Another way that would work is to use a HTML-template and 
generate text and manpages from that. I don't know if there is any HTML2MAN 
scripts out there, but I would be surprised if there isn't.

We don't need the bells and whistles, so lets keep it as simple as possible.


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