NMBD process cannot restart

Herb Lewis herb at chomps.engr.sgi.com
Tue Oct 3 13:17:24 GMT 2000

Kai Blin wrote:
> Sitting at the campfire, Ulf Bertilsson told:
> > Your smb.conf could come handy.
> >
> > I think you should have a close look at:
> >
> > "ERROR: both 'wins support = true' and 'wins server = <server>' cannot "
> >
> > Go over your smb.conf file and try comment your our WISN server settings
> > entries.
> > Then se if it works.
> I know this problem. At my box, commenting out the WINS line, starting nmbd,
> uncommenting the WINS line and sending a kill -HUP to the nmbd process
> helps. Kind of dirty workaround, though.
> Kai

You should not be doing this "dirty workaround". The error message
says to not set both parameters so don't do it. You are basically
telling nmbd this "I want you to be the wins server" (wins support =
and "I don't want you to be the wins server but use this other machine
instead" (wins server = <server>). Pick one or the other but not
Herb Lewis                               Silicon Graphics 
Networking Engineer                      1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy MS-510
Strategic Software Organization          Mountain View, CA  94043-1351
herb at sgi.com                             Tel: 650-933-2177
http://www.sgi.com                       Fax: 650-932-2177          

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