command srvshares in rpcclient 2.0.7 hangs server

Peter Samuelson peter at
Sun Jun 11 02:20:11 GMT 2000

[Wilhelm Chana <samba at>]
> First thought, it's a good idea. Got samba-tng-alpha.2.5.3

Against NT machines?  My experience is that Samba-TNG rpcclient falls
over easily against Win95.

Also, I don't remember exactly which alpha release it was, but I know
rpcclient had some problems similar to what you describe somewhere near 
the 2.5.3 days.  At one point I had to revert to alpha-2.5 to get
anything done.  Not long after, rpcclient started behaving again (the
CVS, that is -- Luke hasn't released any newer snapshots).

So you might try either alpha-2.5 or current CVS.  The big difference I
know of is that back in alpha-2.5 the `shutdown' command didn't work
yet (and `abortshutdown' didn't exist).


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