hardlinks on ntfs and smb

Jeremy Allison jeremy at valinux.com
Wed Aug 2 18:37:24 GMT 2000

Elrond wrote:
> Hi,
> When I wrote the mail about delete on ntfs, I remembered,
> that ntfs also supports hardlinks and got curious, what
> about hardlinks and SMB?
> So I grabbed two NT-boxes, and tried "ln 1 2" on a remotely
> connected drive. Guess what? It worked. I ended up with a
> hardlink.
> So the next question was: Does the hardlink show up with a
> link-count of 2 remotely? Well, with the ls.exe, I have, it
> only showed up with 2 localy, but not remotely...
> I just wanted to let you know. I don't think, there's a
> need for implementing this in samba. Maybe there's little
> interest in documenting, what happens on the wire, but I
> don't want to get involved too much in that.

Seeing a netmon trace of the NT -> NT traffic would be

Can you get that and mail it to me ?



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