O'reilly samba book vs. BROWSING.txt

Giulio Orsero giulioo at tiscalinet.it
Mon Nov 15 21:41:23 GMT 1999

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:04:37 +1100, hai scritto:

>>BROWSING.txt says:
>>- in the other 2 subnets you need a local master browser, which could be
>>a Win9x machine.

>>O'reilly "Using Samba" says (chapter 5, available online):
>>1) You must have either a Windows NT or Samba machine acting as a local
>>master browser on each subnet in the workgroup/domain. (If you have a
>>domain master browser in a subnet, a local master browser is not

>The DMB is supposed to register itself in the WINS (NBNS) server, and the
>local master is supposed to find the DMB via WINS.  The LMB then
>periodically exchanges updates with the DMB.  Wind/95 is supposed to be 
>able to do this.  See:
>  http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q148/5/27.asp

Ok, BROWSING.txt is right and the book is wrong.

giulioo at tiscalinet.it

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