O'reilly samba book vs. BROWSING.txt

Christopher R. Hertel crh at nts.umn.edu
Mon Nov 15 20:58:44 GMT 1999

> > 1) Given an nt/samba domain master browser, the other simple local
> > master browsers can be win9x machines as BROWSING.txt says, or need to
> > be samba/nt as the book says?
> Don't really know, but I think Win9x can NOT synchronize with a DMB.

The DMB is supposed to register itself in the WINS (NBNS) server, and the
local master is supposed to find the DMB via WINS.  The LMB then
periodically exchanges updates with the DMB.  Wind/95 is supposed to be 
able to do this.  See:


> Assume you have 3 subnets and 4 workgroups, then you have
> 1 WINS Server
> 5 Domain Master Browsers
> 12 Local Master Browsers
> Remote announce is not needed in case you have a correct wins
> setup. At the very least the local master browsers must be correctly
> configured as wins clients. Then everybody else should 'see' the
> network neighborhood. Accessibility of the other machines depends upon
> correct wins configuration.

As I understand it, you have only one PDC per NT Domain.  That being the
case (and knowing the MS always run the DMB on the PDC), you'd have only
one DMB per Workgroup or NT Domain.  So, the above example shows five
Worgroups/NT Domains (though Volker changed it to four in a later E'mail). 

I'm not clear on how browse lists are exchanged between
Workgroups/NTDomains.  I imagine that it's done on the local broadcast

Chris -)-----

             -- I have a shoehorn, the kind with teeth. --
Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
crh at nts.umn.edu              Networking and Telecommunications Services

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