problems with smbclient + German special chars (umlaute)

Chr. Rossmanith cr at
Thu Oct 18 05:35:03 GMT 2001


I'd like to migrate from an old samba version (2.1.0-prealpha, linux
kernel 2.0.33) to the most recent version on a new machine (2.2.2, linux
kernel 2.4.9). Unfortunately, with the new version I have problems
accessing files with filenames containing German special characters.
Executing a smbclient-"get" on the linux machine running the samba
server with such a file results e.g. in the following error message:

ERRDOS - ERRbadfile (File not found.) opening remote file \GOÄ_VERZ.LIQ.

On the other hand, if I mount the share using "mount -t smbfs" I can
access the file just using unix-"cp" without any error message.

I don't know whether I've described the problem sufficiently. Just ask,
if any information is missing.

Thank you for your help,

Christina Rossmanith

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