Logging from W2K SP2

Jacek Stolarczyk jacek at mer.chemia.polsl.gliwice.pl
Fri Nov 23 08:29:34 GMT 2001


When logging from Win2000 SP2, I get a message box saying (backtranslation
from Polish, so it may not be accurate):
"The system could not use your profile, but it logs you using default
profile. DETAIL: There is no storage (***) space left"
There is ~1GB of free space on disk so that should not pose a problem.
Logging from WinNT 4.0 SP6a works without problems.

Samba-2.2.1a works as PDC, "logon path" in smb.conf is set to
/home/%U/profile, "logon home" to /home/%U

Regards and thanks for your help so far

Jacek Stolarczyk
PhD student in physical chemistry
Silesian University of Technology
Gliwice, Poland

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