Samba/Explorer Problems

Ivan Iliev ivan at
Mon Nov 20 15:48:46 GMT 2000


Some days ago, someone posted here, that he had a problem with samba and
explorer shell that get killed.

There were no replies to the list on this topic.
I have the same problem with TNG 2.6 PDC and W2K Workstation (actually
of them). Every time, a user clicks on the right mouse button, the
(shell) restarts, because of error.

Is there any solution to the problem, or a clue, why this happens?

And once more question:

I have tried to move the domain from TNG 2.6 to Samba 2.2.0.
After renaming DOMAIN.SID to MACHINE.SID, cleaning the smb.conf from the
TNG-params and moving the old smbpasswd to the private_dir of the 2.2.0,
have succeeded with logging into the domain.
The problem I had were the profiles. The users couldn't save or

Is it possible to move to 2.2.0 from TNG, using the old domain, users,
machines settings?

best regards

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